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Digital Transformation Services

Meet the 5 dimensions of digital transformation that streamline your operations and enable growth.

Customer Experience


Personalized customer journeys enhance customer value, drive engagement and keep customers coming back for more. Even for beloved brands, a significant portion of customers (59%) will walk away after a few bad experiences.<\/p>\n


Deliver customer journeys and personalization to make your customer value shine. Even for beloved brands, a significant portion of customers (59%) will walk away after several bad experiences.<\/p>\n

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Personalized customer journeys enhance customer value, drive engagement and keep customers coming back for more. Even for beloved brands, a significant portion of customers (59%) will walk away after a few bad experiences.

AI Hyper Automation

Hyperautomation unlocks significant productivity gains, allowing businesses to maximize opportunity, streamline processes, reduce costs and risk, and free up human capital for higher-value tasks.

Co-Innovation Supply Chain

Buy more, build less to create an agile organization powered by value chains and deep collaborative expertise.

Co-creation allows businesses to tap into a wider pool of knowledge and perspectives, leading to more innovative solutions and a deeper understanding of customer needs.

Data Value

Leverage your data advantage to steer decisions at all levels of the enterprise with the clarity of insight

"Companies that prioritize data-driven decision-making experience 23% higher profitability compared to those who rely on intuition alone.” Source: Harvard Business Review (2021)

First Mover Advantage

Businesses with a first-mover advantage maintain their market leadership position for at least a decade.

In today's dynamic business environment, 84% of executives believe agility is a top competitive differentiator.

CX Advantage

Enhance your customer journeys

Actionable Insights

driven by Customer Data Platforms and Customer Lifecycle Management Scorecards


Seamless and transparent customer journeys

powered by glueware to bind front-end experiences to back-office systems

3D product experiences

that allow customers to see, touch and experience personalized offerings

“Customer experience is everything… Bad experiences are driving customers away—faster than you think.” 

Source: PWC, 2020


Maximize opportunity, minimize risk

“90% of employees report feeling burdened by repetitive tasks suitable for automation … while up to 2.6 trillion hours of work are being automated annually in the US alone.” 

Source: IBM Institute for Business Value

Your automation advantage comes from the combination of leadership ambition, an understanding of ‘self’, and an effective suite of technology building blocks bringing the ability to:


Leverage Knowledge


Be Curious


Accelerate Development of New Effective and Adaptable Solutions


Learn and Improve


Anticipate Future Changes


Innovate with greater resource

“Companies that excel at co-creation are more likely to develop products and services that are not only innovative but also commercially successful.” 

Source: McKinsey, 2021  

Increased Revenue and Growth

A 2021 study by IBM found that companies that leverage co-creation for innovation are 1.5 times more likely to report revenue growth exceeding industry averages.  

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

McKinsey reported in a 2020 study that businesses that actively involve customers in their innovation process experience 20% higher customer satisfaction compared to those who don’t.

Innovation Speed and Success

A 2022  Fast Company article cites research indicating that co-creation efforts can help companies bring new products to market up to 50% faster, with a higher success rate compared to traditional internal innovation processes. 

Employee Engagement

A 2019 PwC report found that companies with strong co-creation practices see a 21% increase in employee engagement. 

Leveraging the strategic impact and influence of expert procurement leadership teams

A Co-Innovation Supply Chain program that allows internal stakeholders to tap into ready-to-innovate partnerships

Building capacity for innovation by adopting Reverse Supply Chain engagement models such as Co-Innovation Campus Events

Data Value

Leverage your data advantage

“Companies that prioritize data-driven decision-making experience 23% higher profitability compared to those who rely on intuition alone.” 

Source: Harvard Business Review (2021)

Your Automation Advantage comes from your ability to harness the 5 Evolutions in Business Intelligence

first mover advantage

Gain a competitive edge

“Companies that achieve first-mover advantage are up to 4 times more likely to become industry leaders.”

Source: Harvard Business Review (2022)

First Mover Advantage means:

  • Being the first to identify changes in market conditions.
  • Leveraging Co-Innovation to build more, buy less.
  • Securing resources through an adaptive resourcing model that reduces rigidity in organizational designs.​
  • Accelerated development of strategies and processes to support evolving capabilities.

Unlock your digital potential.